Try on YASUDA shoes at home

The "Wear at home" service is a service that allows those who are considering purchasing YASUDA shoes to wear up to 3 sizes of shoes at home.

Target product (one of them at a time)

  • Regalesta Pro
  • リガレスタ Pro-ex
  • リガレスタ TF
Book a trial shoe now

Features of the "Trial at Home" service

Other than 3 sizes
Free size exchange!

If the three shoe sizes you receive do not match, you can exchange the size only once with free shipping.

* Please put your feet indoors.

If it doesn't fit your feet
Refundable for 8 days!

If you do not fit your feet indoors after the product arrives, please contact us within 8 days and you can cancel the service free of charge.

* Please put your feet indoors. We cannot accept returns after outdoor use.

Lawson near you
Return from!

You can return it from Lawson, which supports SMARI in your neighborhood.

* Target Lawson stores will be announced at the time of delivery.

Flow of "Trial at home" service

1) After making a reservation on this page,
Purchase one pair of your desired products

Booking calendar
From the reservation calendar on this page, please reserve the wearing schedule for your request.

2) 3 size shoes at home
Tameshi wear

Trial wear
Compare the 3 sizes of shoes you received and use the shoes that match the size.

3) Two pairs that do not fit the size
Return from Lawson

From Lawson, where the smari terminal is located, you can easily return it by holding the QR code that you will be guided at the time of delivery.

Book "Trial at home"

Please make a reservation for the day you wear it for your request.

※ Depending on the region, there is a possibility that the arrival of the product will be delayed. Please understand it beforehand.

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Reservation history
Subscribed items
Reservation history
ID Reservation date and time calendar 状態
Reservation details
Reservation details
Service details
下記のアドレスに認証コードを送信しました。 認証コードを入力してください。