Published in Soccer Digest

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

An article about YASUDA was published in the soccer digest "September 10, 2020 issue No.1465" released on August 27, 2020.
From the reprint to the mindset of YASUDA's founding, detailed coverage articles will be posted.
>>> 15 years after self-bankruptcy ... How did the prestigious soccer shoes come back? What is the vision born from the voice of joy?

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information



「YASUDA」、筑波大学 福井啓太選手と契約を締結

株式会社YASUDAは、このたび筑波大学 福井啓太選手と契約を締結いたしました。 本人よりコメントが届いていますのでご紹介します。 YASUDAのスパイクとは、別メーカーのスパイクを購入するために行ったスポーツ用品店で偶 […]

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