YASUDA coverage article was published in the soccer digest
Yasuda's article will be published in soccer digest "September 10, 2020 issue, No.1465" released on August 27, 2020.
In the 32nd part of the series "FOOTBALL Minority Report", yasuda representative Sato was taken up.
In the article, not only the thoughts and comments of YASUDA officials including Sato, but also ambassadors appeared.
From the revival of YAMADA to the future prospects are released to the public.
I hope you will get this magazine at the bookstore.
Soccer Digest "No.1465" issue on September 10, 2020.
Released August 27, 2020.
>>>Click here for the official soccer digest website
The article is posted on page 3.
※ The following is an image.
* The contents of the article are not scheduled to be published on the ISUDA web site.
>>>Click here for the official soccer digest website
An article was also published on the web.
>>> 15 years since self-bankruptcy... How did the prestigious soccer shoes come back? What is a vision born from the voice of joy?
YASUDAはこのたび、 ・ロングタン仕様 ・オールカンガルーレザー製 のサッカースパイク、【Ligaresta Pro-s】を、100足限定で製造・販売いたします。 かつての「ヤスダ」でも販売していた、シュータンが長い […]
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