Blue × Yellow in YASUDA Ligasta series
"YASUDA" has announced "Blue × Yellow" as a new color of the Ligaresta series.
About coloring × Blue × Yellow"
The Ligeresta series, which bed production and sales in 2020, is currently evaluating the quality not only from many users but also by professional soccer and rugby players.
For this reason, we plan to continue production of the Ligaresta series as a "standard shoe that is on the feet of the Japanese people" for the time being.
On the other hand, since just after reprinting in 2018, we have received many requests regarding "color variations of shoes".
Among them, the color scheme of "Blue × Yellow", which had a lot of voices, will be realized in the "Ligaresta" series, which is getting evaluation in the actual field.
「Blue × Yellow」のラインアップは、現行シューズと同じく、
Ligaresta Pro
Ligaresta Pro-ex
Ligaresta TF
It will be three species.
Ligaresta Pro
It will be a flagship model using plenty of kangaroo leather.
The first platinum color is adopted for the foil stamping of "YASUDA", and the sole becomes white.
Ligaresta Pro-ex
It is a hybrid model that adopts kangal leather for the toe part and artificial leather for the heel part.
The sole is white similar to "Pro", but the foil stamping will be gold.
Ligaresta TF
The first color variation of [TF].
It is a perfect foot for the generation that "does not use spikes".
We have received constant hopes for models and color variations every day, and we will continue to plan while asking about the uniqueness of YASUDA.
Thank you for your continued support of YASUDA.

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株式会社YASUDAは、このたびFCマルヤス岡崎 鈴木直人選手と契約を締結いたしました。 本人よりコメントが届いていますのでご紹介します。 初めてYASUDAのスパイクを試着した時、足のどの部分にもストレスがなく安心感の […]
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