How to Care for All Kangaroo Leather

What to prepare

  • Nylon brush (harder)
  • Horsehair brush (other than horsehair, as long as it is soft)
  • A towel that has been soaked in water and squeezed tightly (because it is for removing dirt, you can use something like a rag)
  • Cleaner (It is convenient to have a cleaner with a sponge in addition to the regular cleaner.)
  • Dry towel (for cleaner)
  • Cream (glossy / water repellent)
  • Soft towels for finishing (microfiber cloth, etc.)

Care procedure

  1. Preparation for care
  2. Clean the outsole with a nylon brush and the upper with a horsehair brush
  3. Clean the upper with a squeezed towel
  4. Clean stubborn dirt with a cleaner
  5. Nourish leather with cream
  6. Half day to 1 day shade drying

1. Preparation for care

First, remove the laces from the spikes.

The removed laces are dirty, so please wash them with a washing machine to dry them.

And also remove the insole. Leaving the insole in place will make it difficult to dry and may cause mold.

2. Clean the outsole with a nylon brush and the upper with a horsehair brush

Use a nylon brush (a stiff one) to remove stains from the outsole.

Clean the upper with a horsehair brush.
(Drop dirt and grass dust between the upper and outsole.)

3. Clean the upper with a squeezed towel

Wipe the dirt off the upper with a wet towel squeezed firmly. Here, remove dirt and stains that could not be removed with a brush.

If you can't get rid of dirt on the stitches, push up with your finger to remove the jam.

The dirt around the tongue can also be removed by pushing it up with your finger.

4. Clean stubborn dirt with a cleaner

First, attach the cleaner directly to the upper.

Carefully remove stubborn stains with a dry towel. We will remove dirt while adjusting the amount of cleaner according to the dirt, such as around the Excel line.

5. Nourish leather with cream

While paying attention not to apply the cream too much, let the cream blend into the entire upper once.

Wipe up with a soft finishing towel until it becomes glossy. The cream not only has a glossing effect, but also contains ingredients that nourish the leather, so the leather will be healthy.

6. Half day to 1 day shade drying

Dry in a well-ventilated shade for half a day to 1 day. It is still best to put a shoe keeper or paper or cloth into the shape.

Also, clean the inside of the spike by removing dust. If the inside of the spike is left unclean, mold etc. will occur and it may cause deterioration.

YASUDA spike care method taught by professionals-All Kangaroo Leather Edition-

Please also take a look at the professional maintenance method by YASUDA Ambassador Sakamoto, the manager and equipment of VELSPA Oita.

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