YASUDA signs first professional rugby player, Panasonic Wild Knights Taiki Konishi
YASUDA Co., Ltd. has signed a contract with Panasonic Wild Knights Taiki Konishi.
This will be YASUDA's first contract with a professional rugby player after reprinting.
Background to the contract
Konishi wore a spike of YASUDA, which he worked with on art, during an appearance at tbs television Sunday Theater "No Side Game" in 2019.
That became the edge, and it came to this time.
In addition, I will introduce it because I received a comment from Konishi.
This time, I will contract with MR. YASUDA.
The first time I met him was supported by the rugby drama "No Side Game".
The spikes of ALL KANGAROO LEATHER YASUDA are familiar to the feet immediately from the moment you wear them, and are very comfortable to wear. There is a sense of security even if you are playing intense contact.
It's a spike that's detailed, so I'd like to share my favorite points through Instagram.
Profile of Taiki Konishi
Born in Nara Prefecture on August 2, 1987.
As a professional rugby player, he is currently a member of panasonic Wild Knights
▼Background, etc.
Panasonic Wild Knights 2010-2014
Toyota Automatic Loom Shuttles 2014-2019
Top League All-Star "FOR ALL Charity Match 2015"
WearING YASUDA spikes in drama "No Side Game"
YAMADA Spike achieves the quality that can be used by professional players not only in soccer but also in rugby competitions.
We would like to continue to provide products that will be loved by many people for football, rugby, and football, so we would like to thank YASUDA together with all contracted players and ambassadors.
「YASUDA」、長野パルセイロ 砂森和也選手と契約を締結
株式会社YASUDAは、このたび長野パルセイロ 砂森和也選手と契約を締結いたしました。 本人よりコメントが届いていますのでご紹介します。 2023年に娘の病気の治療に専念する為に半年間チームの活動を休止していました。 そ […]
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