【YASUDA】Tochigi SC player Takahagi Yojiro visits!
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The players came to the office to play, so I would like to introduce them to them.
Tochigi SC player Yojiro Takahagi visits!
In the middle of last season, TAKAHAGI Yojiro, who was loaned to Tochigi SC from FC Tokyo, came to visit us at the YASUDA office.
Takahagi has been wearing the current YASUDA spike "Ligaresta" as a contract player immediately after the release, and the quality and design of the shoes have been highly evaluated.
We've talked a little bit at the stadium, but this is the first time we've met each other in person.
"I wore YASUDA when I was in junior high school."
So, I have been asking you for a long time, but I would like to introduce the initiatives that have been made since the revival of YASUDA.
"I liked the history of YASUDA more and more!"
I also received a comment that.
The other day, it was announced that Takahagi will be permanently transferred to Tochigi SC, and YASUDA will continue to support Takahagi, who has more opportunities to play.
Please pay attention to their activities.
You can also find an interview with Takahagi on this page.
>> YASUDA 90th Anniversary Interview Page with Yojiro Takahagi
YASUDA 90th Anniversary Commemorative Items are now being accepted
* This product is no longer on sale.
In commemoration of the 90th anniversary of YASUDA, the last item is now on sale to order.
I introduced it in last week's email, but thank you for the many people who purchased it right away.
The order deadline is at the beginning of the year, but please do not forget it.
In addition, Takahagi, whom I introduced earlier, also carried a bag.
* This product is no longer on sale.
46% off set is now available
* It is not disclosed due to information limited to e-mail magazines.
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株式会社YASUDAは、このたび長野パルセイロ 砂森和也選手と契約を締結いたしました。 本人よりコメントが届いていますのでご紹介します。 2023年に娘の病気の治療に専念する為に半年間チームの活動を休止していました。 そ […]
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