YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

* The contents of the publication are partially changed from the contents at the time of e-mail magazine distribution.
* Information on products that are not currently on sale may also be posted.

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May 30, 2024

This time, I visited "EDO ALL UNITED", which is a uniform supplier, the other day, so I would like to introduce the situation.


From this year, EDO ALL UNITED will compete in the Tokyo Metropolitan Adult Soccer League Division 1.

Some of the players on the team have already worn YASUDA shoes, and as a greeting to everyone, we held a trial session again.

The weather was good on the day of the event, and we were able to try it out on the ground.

Many of the players' comments were positive, and the number of new players wearing them increased.

This photo is me lol

Since he is still active and playing in the senior league, I was allowed to kick a ball around on the day of the game, and I worked up a good sweat.

The video of the day is also introduced on YASUDA's official Instagram, so if you are not following us, please take this opportunity to check it out.

Click here for >> YASUDA's official Instagram

In addition, the reputation here was also good.

It was the all-artificial leather soccer cleats "Ligaresta Pro-aw" that went on sale in March.
Despite the artificial leather, it is very popular because it is soft and fits from the beginning.

It is a material called "microfiber polyurethane", but even though it is thinner than ordinary ones, it is about twice as strong and almost never tears.

Not only that, but it is made of natural leather and has a structure that prevents moisture and sand from entering, so it is especially recommended during the upcoming rainy season.

The quality is such that professional players use it in J1 matches, so please give it a try.

Thank you for checking.

Since we do not use natural leather, we are able to keep the price down, so it is also very popular.

>> Check Ligaresta Pro-aw in the store

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information



「YASUDA」、「FC.AWJ アカデミー」とユニフォームサプライヤー契約を締結

株式会社YASUDAは、2025シーズンより、「FC.AWJ アカデミー」とユニフォームサプライヤー契約を締結いたしました。 今回の契約に関する経緯 2025年度よりFC.AWJジュニアユースが発足することを期に、YAS […]

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