We will appear on FM Aichi's program "Lime Light"

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

We will be appearing on FM Aichi's program "Limelight" for two consecutive weeks on Friday, May 3 and Friday, May 10, 2019.

In the program, Sato speaks of his passionate feelings for YASUDA. Don't miss out on people in the Chubu region.

<Program overview>

Broadcaster: FM Aichi 80.7
Program name: Limelight
Broadcast date and time:
Friday, May 3, 2019, 15:00-15:30
Friday, May 10, 2019, 15:00-15:30

It will be broadcast in the Chubu region. We plan to inform you of the broadcast contents on this page at a later date.

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information



「YASUDA」、東京ヴェルディ 長沢祐弥選手と契約を締結

株式会社YASUDAは、このたび東京ヴェルディ 長沢祐弥選手と契約を締結いたしました。 本人よりコメントが届いていますのでご紹介します。 初めてYASUDAのスパイクを履いた時から自分の足にフィットしてると感じました。 […]

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