Hello everyone.
I'm in charge of YASUDA web site!
This content is
[YASUDA Inside Review]
"I want to know more about YASUDA and YASUDA's spikes."
That's why I wrote a lot about new shoes and services in several ways, so what is it called, that's what it is called (laugh)
By the way, the contents are not representative Sato ('・ ω ・ `)
There are a lot of information that can not be written on the product page and online store, so I think it is good to write such things, the inside of the company, the backside, and even the very last minute Thank you for your support.
On March 21, 2020, we announced new shoes and services!
Thank you! ! ! !
Have you seen it already?
You have seen it.
All photos in online store Can be seen here, so here is one piece.
It looks like this.
Hey, it looks cool ~
On the day of the announcement, what! It was a great honor to focus on this new initiative of YASUDA, with such spike makers appearing on TV Tokyo's “FOOT × BRAIN”.
・ A new spike is provided from YASUDA once every three months (exchangeability)
It is a service that I will do,
・ I want to minimize the cost of spikes
-Frequent replacement by purchase
・ It is troublesome to go to buy every time it breaks
I think that it is perfect for footballers who frequently use spikes, such as youth soccer, club activities, and professional players.
Also, in the "FOOT x BRAIN" program, they told us that "reuse abroad".
Well, there is an indicator called "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" adopted by the United Nations, and based on this, we aim at "social contribution to the world through reuse of spikes".
Cho, it was a bit hard,
"Using services lowers the cost of spikes, and at the same time contributes to society."
I mean that.
>>> スパイクのサブスクリプションサービスの特設ページはこちらです。
Oh oh oh
After all it will be long.
In this first installment, I tried to write all the new spikes, but it seems impossible.
[So this summary]
・サブスクは「Excel Feed(エクセルフィード)」
Next time, the 2nd YASUDA Inside Review
see you.
-List of articles-
>> (1)新作シューズ発表しました!
>> (2)新シューズはこうして生まれたっていう話
>> (3)「復刻」のその先へ
>> (4)金型と木型を一新するということ
>> (5)カンガルーレザーとYASUDA
>> (6)新シューズ誕生!
>> (7)YASUDAのシャツを作ったので買って着てみました
>> (8)全サイズのサンプルが来たので履いてみました
>> (9)スパイクのサブスクとYASUDA創業マインドの共通点とは?
>> (10)「YASUDAサンクスマッチデー」レポート!
>> (11)「YASUDAサンクスマッチデー2021」レポート!
>> (12)スパイクのサブスク、セネガルでリユースを開始!
>> (13)サブスクスパイクのリユースをバングラデシュで開始!
>> (14)スパイクじゃないシューズ 「Ligaresta TF」を紹介させてください!
>> (15)天然皮革ならではの注意点を知ろう
>> (16)ウォーキング・フットボールの大会に行ってきました!
>> (17)3年半ぶり!Ligaresta (リガレスタ)新モデルを解説
「YASUDA」、カマタマーレ讃岐 内田瑞己選手と契約を締結
株式会社YASUDAは、このたびカマタマーレ讃岐 内田瑞己選手と契約を締結いたしました。 本人よりコメントが届いていますのでご紹介します。 YASUDAのスパイクとは、別メーカーのスパイクを購入するために行ったスポーツ用 […]