
YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

Hello everyone!

I am in charge of YASUDA's WEB!

This is the 8th YASUDA Inside Review.
This time, pre-order sales started in March,


・ "Samples of all sizes"

Has finally arrived at the office, so I would like to introduce it.

First of all, the photo Dawn of all the samples!


Very nice! !! !! !!
It's fun to take pictures! !! !!

Change the angle like this! !!

Iyahoo! !! !!


Since it is a sample, there is one color for each, but this is already "I tried arranging all the spikes, but the view is too good than I imagined".


Actually, until now, we have only samples of a specific size, and we have players who fit that size wear it, and we have made fine adjustments based on that impression.
Of course, YASUDA people also wore it, but not everyone wore it. .. ..

I was contacted by people who were the right size, such as "It's very comfortable to wear!" And "I'm kicking, but it's perfect!"

"I can't wear it at last!"

So I put it on.

After all, standard soccer spikes are cool

First of all, I will wear the black x white line.

Hmm ...

Hmmm ...



cool! !! !! !! !!
It's really nice to have it with the ball!

After all soccer spikes are best with the ball!

The standard "black x white line" is always cool, isn't it?

And the essential comfort is, of course, perfect. .. ..
It's a sample shoe that I'd like to have various people try on, so I didn't kick the ball to the fullest outside, but I think that the commitment to "spike shoes that fit Japanese feet" is clearly embodied. I will.

Next, let's add the white x black line.

White is white, which is also good.


As a treshoe, it can be used for outdoor futsal and, of course, for everyday wear.

I tried to match it casually.
You can wear it even when you don't play soccer normally. Isn't it a good feeling!



I'm looking forward to the day when everyone can wear it again.

Everyone who has pre-ordered ...

Please look forward to! !! !! !! !!


see you.

-List of articles-

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>> (2)新シューズはこうして生まれたっていう話
>> (3)「復刻」のその先へ
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>> (11)「YASUDAサンクスマッチデー2021」レポート!
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>> (17)3年半ぶり!Ligaresta (リガレスタ)新モデルを解説

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information



「YASUDA」、カマタマーレ讃岐 内田瑞己選手と契約を締結

株式会社YASUDAは、このたびカマタマーレ讃岐 内田瑞己選手と契約を締結いたしました。 本人よりコメントが届いていますのでご紹介します。 YASUDAのスパイクとは、別メーカーのスパイクを購入するために行ったスポーツ用 […]

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