(3) Beyond “Reprint”

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

Hello everyone!

I am in charge of YASUDA's website.

[YASUDA Inside Review]


Last time,


Used in spike shoes ``YX-2019'' released in 2019

-Direct injection for adhesion between upper and sole
・Mold and wooden mold are before 2002 bankruptcy
・All Kangaroo Leather
·made in Japan

None of these four points are followed.

I told you that.


[1] Sole and adhesion
[2] Mold and wooden mold
[3] Material such as leather
[4] Manufacturing

I will tell you about such things.

So this time,

[1] Sole and adhesion

is about. here you go.

First, it started with "What kind of shoes does YASUDA make?"

In the summer of 2019, there was such a conversation in the YASUDA conference room.

Yes, that was a hot summer day. .. ..


President Sato: "Well, what about the next shoe?"

Staff: "It's a spike, right? Let's make it, of course."

S: "No, of course I make it, but how do you feel it?"

Su: "YX-2018 and YX-2019 were so exciting that it was a "reprint", so I thought it would be a partial improvement."

S: "Hmm, I thought about that, but I'll try new shoes that are different from before."

S: "Eh??? New shoes?"

S: "Yes."

S: "... (Don't say this easily...)"

S: "There are so many people who want treasures, so let's make it."


With that feeling, YASUDA decided to make new shoes instead of "increasing production of YX-2019 and minor changes".

Strictly speaking, that's more and more, of course, there were so many serious meetings, ha ha ha. .. ..

So, about last summer, as YASUDA,

・With new spikes

・Make Trestle

That's what was decided.

Now, from here on is the main subject for today.

Changes "(1) Sole and adhesion"

▼Switching from direct injection

When making a new spiked shoe, what I had to think about most was the manufacturing method called "Direct Injection" that I used for YASUDA shoes before bankruptcy and after reprinting.

"Direct injection" is a special manufacturing method in which the upper is bonded and integrally molded at the same time as the sole molding.

To explain it in a simple way,

First with this upper ↓

↓ This is called a "mold", but this is

Using a machine, Gachacon! will do.

Then, the white polyurethane melted by heat, which is the raw material for the sole, is poured into the mold. The one that melted in hot and cold.

In this way, the upper is bonded and the melted sole is molded at the same time!

This is direct injection! !! That's why.

By doing this, strong adhesion is achieved, the sole does not easily come off, and a sense of unity is created. When.

The fact that they could be firmly bonded without using nails or threads was a very excellent bonding technology at the time.

In fact, the reprinted spikes were also manufactured using machines made decades ago.

Actually, the number of spikes produced by this direct injection is very small now.

However, it does not mean that there are many defects.
In fact, a number of professional athletes appreciated the performance of the "YX-2019" and put it on in official games.


・Manufacturing with "Direct Injection"

・Natural polyurethane sole

We decided to switch to another method or material instead of adopting from now on.


The main reason why we decided not to use direct injection this time is that "direct injection machines" are very rare nowadays.

The fact that there are few shoes made by "direct injection" now means that there are few machines that can do it.

Also, the aging of machines has to be considered as a risk, and considering the stable creation of spikes in the future, we had to consider a different approach.

Since the performance of the adhesive has improved significantly, I decided not to use direct injection this time.

And if you decide to change the bonding method, you can use a material other than natural polyurethane for the sole material, so I chose the polyurethane resin called "TPU" this time.

TPU is lighter than the previously used natural polyurethane and is a very suitable material for spike soles.

▼ YASUDA's decision

Well, easily

"Making new shoes without using direct injection"

I have introduced that, but I think that for YASUDA, it was a really big decision, and I made a decision with 100% confidence.

Not just "reprint", but beyond.

We chose to follow YASUDA's tradition and mind firmly and to adapt to modern soccer by using the latest technology where necessary.

Of course, "good old days" is important and important.

In the future, I would like to continue to evolve while keeping important points.

[This summary]

・Switched from direct injection

・The sole is lightweight with TPU!

・YASUDA will evolve correctly

Next time, on the 4th YASUDA Inside Review,

(4) Renewing the mold and the wooden mold

see you.

-List of articles-

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>> (2)新シューズはこうして生まれたっていう話
>> (3)「復刻」のその先へ
>> (4)金型と木型を一新するということ
>> (5)カンガルーレザーとYASUDA
>> (6)新シューズ誕生!
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>> (9)スパイクのサブスクとYASUDA創業マインドの共通点とは?
>> (10)「YASUDAサンクスマッチデー」レポート!
>> (11)「YASUDAサンクスマッチデー2021」レポート!
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>> (17)3年半ぶり!Ligaresta (リガレスタ)新モデルを解説

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information



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