Hello everyone.
I'm in charge of YASUDA web site!
[YASUDA Inside Review]
It is the second safely.
The last time, that is, in the first part, first of all, I just told you that this kind of content started-it started-
There wasn't too much content, so we decided to publish the second time at the same time. . .
First, naming.
I was worried about the name of the new shoes.
I brought a lot of ideas, including the president, and decided on them.
By the way, the meeting space of YASUDA looks like this
Last year, the spike announced in 2019 was `` YX-2019 '', but this `` YX ~ '' naming was also used in the past `` Yasda spike '',
Like "YX5"
Like "YX101"
So the name was given to the spike.
So of course, the candidate was “YX-2020”.
Rather, it was the lead candidate.
But I couldn't give this name easily.
By the way, `` YX-2019 '' was such a spike
The spike “YX-2019” reprinted and sold in 2019 has the following features.
Group photo of "YX-2019". That's cool.
So, YX-2019 is
→ 「ダイレクトインジェクション」は、ソール成形と同時にアッパーを接着し、一体成型する特別な製法です
[2] Molds and wooden molds were used before the bankruptcy in 2002
→ Since the mold is a thing of the past, it is exactly a reproduction
[3] All Kangaroo Leather
→Kangaroo leather is used for all leather parts
[4] Made in Japan
→Manufactured at a domestic factory
The big ones are these four.
There are many places that can be said to be more "features" if you write them in detail, but the big part is something like this.
Exactly "reprint"
However, it had a lot of small improvements, so it was perfect not only in specs, but also in comfort, and received high praise from professional players and many national and international footballers.
[These four points are all different]
It means that.
It was different or "changed".
・ Adhesion of upper and sole is direct injection
・ Molds and wooden molds used before bankruptcy in 2002
・ All kangaroo leather
·made in Japan
All four are different.
Therefore, I did not easily add "YX" to the name of the shoes.
We will talk about this area slowly from the next time.
[So this summary]
Next time, the 3rd YASUDA Inside Review
I'll give you the reason why various parts have changed.
see you.
>> (1)新作シューズ発表しました!
>> (2)新シューズはこうして生まれたっていう話
>> (3)「復刻」のその先へ
>> (4)金型と木型を一新するということ
>> (5)カンガルーレザーとYASUDA
>> (6)新シューズ誕生!
>> (7)YASUDAのシャツを作ったので買って着てみました
>> (8)全サイズのサンプルが来たので履いてみました
>> (9)スパイクのサブスクとYASUDA創業マインドの共通点とは?
>> (10)「YASUDAサンクスマッチデー」レポート!
>> (11)「YASUDAサンクスマッチデー2021」レポート!
>> (12)スパイクのサブスク、セネガルでリユースを開始!
>> (13)サブスクスパイクのリユースをバングラデシュで開始!
>> (14)スパイクじゃないシューズ 「Ligaresta TF」を紹介させてください!
>> (15)天然皮革ならではの注意点を知ろう
>> (16)ウォーキング・フットボールの大会に行ってきました!
>> (17)3年半ぶり!Ligaresta (リガレスタ)新モデルを解説

"YASUDA" signs contract with FC Maruyasu Okazaki Naoto Suzuki
YASUDA Co., Ltd. is pleased to announce that FC Maruyasu Okazaki Naoto Suzuki has signed a contract. I would like to introduce the comments that have been received from the person himself. When I tried on YASUDA's spikes for the first time, there was no stress on any part of my foot and I felt safe [...]