
YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

Hello everyone! !!

I am in charge of YASUDA and WEB.

[YASUDA Inside Review]

This is the 6th time!
Nice to meet you.


As content,

[1] Sole and adhesion
[2] Mold and wooden mold
[3] Material such as leather
[4] Manufacturing

It looks like this, so far,

・Change traditional manufacturing method
・New type of shoes
・Reconsidered materials

I have talked about that.

And this time,

[4] Manufacturing

is about.


As I have talked about variously up to the last time, this time, while keeping the good points of YASUDA in the past,

"New YASUDA-like shoes"

I tried to make.



There are many elements that make it up, but it was the most important point to be "to fit the shape of Japanese feet".

After all, shoes that fit the shape of a wide Japanese foot are "YASUDA-like". When.

Also, regarding the design, "Yasuda-likeness".
Nostalgic. However, it looks cool even now. You can say that.

And, of course, the quality and durability that professional athletes can wear on-site are "YASUDA-like."

Even the price.

Actually, this time we had the idea that we want to make the price affordable to many people, so we moved our production base from domestic to overseas.

I was honestly worried about overseas production.
However, the quality of overseas production was wonderful, and thanks to the cooperation of our reliable partners, we were able to achieve this.

We want to offer good products at the lowest possible price. I think it is "YASUDA-like".

"It's changed a lot, but nothing has changed"

I want the players of yesteryear to feel such "YASUDA-likeness".
And I want people who pick up YASUDA for the first time to know about it.

I think that way.

Why YASUDA-like shoes were made

In developing such a new shoe, the biggest thing was

I want to make shoes that look like YASUDA

I think it was not just us, but the feelings of the partners who helped us.

The "feelings" were reflected in changes and improvements in the manufacturing method, wood pattern, materials, etc., and the best "YASUDA-like" shoes were born.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those concerned for their cooperation.

Thank you very much.

"On the day when the first sample arrived, everyone's tension was intense."

No, but you could make something really good! The best!

Thank you for your continued support.

So how about the YASUDA Inside Review, “New Shoes Manufacturing”?


Please try spikes from YASUDA.

Click here for details!


about it.

see you.

Next time, some themes have been decided, but not decided yet.
See you soon.

Thank you very much.

-List of articles-

>> (1)新作シューズ発表しました!
>> (2)新シューズはこうして生まれたっていう話
>> (3)「復刻」のその先へ
>> (4)金型と木型を一新するということ
>> (5)カンガルーレザーとYASUDA
>> (6)新シューズ誕生!
>> (7)YASUDAのシャツを作ったので買って着てみました
>> (8)全サイズのサンプルが来たので履いてみました
>> (9)スパイクのサブスクとYASUDA創業マインドの共通点とは?
>> (10)「YASUDAサンクスマッチデー」レポート!
>> (11)「YASUDAサンクスマッチデー2021」レポート!
>> (12)スパイクのサブスク、セネガルでリユースを開始!
>> (13)サブスクスパイクのリユースをバングラデシュで開始!
>> (14)スパイクじゃないシューズ 「Ligaresta TF」を紹介させてください!
>> (15)天然皮革ならではの注意点を知ろう
>> (16)ウォーキング・フットボールの大会に行ってきました!
>> (17)3年半ぶり!Ligaresta (リガレスタ)新モデルを解説

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information

YASUDA member registration provides member-limited information and the latest information



"YASUDA" signs contract with FC Maruyasu Okazaki Naoto Suzuki

YASUDA Co., Ltd. is pleased to announce that FC Maruyasu Okazaki Naoto Suzuki has signed a contract. I would like to introduce the comments that have been received from the person himself. When I tried on YASUDA's spikes for the first time, there was no stress on any part of my foot and I felt safe [...]

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