(7) I made a YASUDA shirt, so I bought it and put it on.
Hello everyone!
I am in charge of YASUDA's WEB!
This is an inside review after a long time.
By the way, this time, it is not something like "spike manufacturing secret story" like before, but it is a loose feeling.
Recently, I made a casual shirt with a reprint design, so I'd like to introduce it because it's a big deal, so that's the time.
Then please!
We have released 3 types of shirts!
We announced the release the other day,
Three types of T-shirts are currently on sale. Have you seen them?
From the left
・ Lagran 3/4 sleeve T-shirt
・ Organic cotton T-shirt
・ Henry neck T-shirt
The lineup is full of "YASUDA feeling".
Thankfully, it sells well and is produced in a limited quantity, so I'm wondering if there will be a size that is about to sell out, so please take a look.
I received the amount that the YASUDA staff bought, so I wore it
By the way, for these shirts this time, I planned a place like "Let's make what we want to wear" centered on representative Sato.
I think I made something cool like YASUDA.
After all, I was wondering if everyone wouldn't want it unless they wanted it.
So, we all bought ourselves (seriously).
It arrived at the office at once, so I opened it while saying that the uncles could do it.
This kind of thing is fun, isn't it?
I'm in charge of WEB, while holding the camera in my hand
"Well, I want to put it on the WEB, so everyone can take a picture ..."
I created an air like that, but ...
Not just
"What? Do you bother to change clothes here now?"
Atmosphere. ..
(I was told)
┐ (´ ー `) ┌
I decided to take a picture of myself.
Immediately appealed fiercely at the futsal ground.
Appeal while taking a walk.
Another staff appeals by going out with children.
Appeal while enjoying YASUDA coordination with parents and children.
With that feeling, everyone enjoyed (appealed) YASUDA.
Everyone's impressions are generally
"It's really comfortable to wear!"
It's just too simple, and unfortunately I can't write any more.
I wanted a slightly more nifty impression. .. ..
I bought all kinds. Personally, my favorite is the organic cotton T-shirt.
As expected, there is only organic cotton, the texture of the fabric is very good, and the logo of the big eyes is classical, but I like it now.
I think I can wear this all the time regardless of fashion.
The hot summer days are sure to come, so please come and join us before it sells out ~
We can deliver it right now.
So, thank you for reading this time as well.
see you.
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「YASUDA」、東京ヴェルディ 長沢祐弥選手と契約を締結
株式会社YASUDAは、このたび東京ヴェルディ 長沢祐弥選手と契約を締結いたしました。 本人よりコメントが届いていますのでご紹介します。 初めてYASUDAのスパイクを履いた時から自分の足にフィットしてると感じました。 […]
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「YASUDA」、カマタマーレ讃岐 内田瑞己選手と契約を締結